Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Almanac Beer Company Emperor Norton - Dry-Hopped Belgian-Style Ale Brewed With Apricots

Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.

Tonight’s featured beer is Almanac Beer Company Emperor Norton - Dry-Hopped Belgian-Style Ale Brewed With Apricots.

From the Almanac Beer Company website: “All hail His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Norton I, of The United States and Protector of Mexico! A beloved 19th century San Francisco denizen, Emperor Norton was best known for issuing his own currency, calling for the overthrow of the Federal Government, and for prophesying a future bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland.

Emperor Norton is an eccentric ale brewed in his honor, blending a classic Belgian-style tripel with California-grown summer apricots and dry-hopped generously with Citra and Hallertau Blanc hops. Enjoy in the company of unconventional friends!”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a hazy orangish yellow color with a large white head leaving lots of lacing.
Aroma: Citrus, apricot, pine, sweet and toasted malts, Belgian yeast notes and some coriander.
Taste: Apricot, citrus and tropical hop notes, sweet malts, Belgian candi sugar, Belgian yeast with the spice that comes with it.
Overall: Very drinkable and enjoyable, Almanac Beer Company Emperor Norton - Dry-Hopped Belgian-Style Ale Brewed With Apricots is delicious.  The alcohol in this 9% ABV offering is well hidden.  I would absolutely drink again.


Mark Harvey

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