Time for another beer review in photos (not video yet). You know, Jay, I will need to swing over to your place (or you over to mine) to do this video review thing since I can't seem to find a minute to do more than take a few pictures whilst I drink my frosty beverage and with the kids yelpin' in the background it would make for a VERY interesting video review (yeah, yeah, I'm sure you'd get a kick out of that). So, for now...photos only (sorry Jay).

So, on to the beer. From the North Coast Brewing Company's site (here): "Belgian Ales represent the height of the brewers' art. Sophisticated brewing techniques, yeast blends and unique flavoring elements have elevated the beers of Belgium to the status enjoyed by wine in other countries. PranQster follows in this tradition using a mixed culture of antique yeast strains that produce a floral nose, a full fruity flavor and a clean finish."
I didn't use the appropriate glass (I used a pint glass). When pouring the aroma is fruity with a predominant banana scent, Belgian yeast, citrus, sweet malt and finally hops.
Beautiful pure white head, great swirls of carbonation and a deep yeasty gold color.
The taste is of banana and coriander, sweet malt and bready. Well balanced. The taste always surprises me (as you can tell by the photo). I LOVE THIS BEER!
At an ABV of 7.6% this is one beer you may want to take your time with before you go for round #2.
It had been awhile since I had some PranQster in the beer fridge, but I'm glad I picked up another four pack.
This blogging about beer thing has prompted me to pick up some of my old favorites to review and in this case I am SO glad I did.
Mark Harvey