Greetings from the NorCal Beer Blog!
Halloween is my favorite time of year.
Best wishes to you and yours tonight. Be safe and lift a pint to the Great Pumpkin.
I know I will!
Mark Harvey
check out my "other" blog here
for Halloween fun

Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably oldest of alcoholic beverages; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. At NorCal Beer Blog we'll discuss beer, brewing and beer culture in not only Northern California, but across the beer drinking community He who drinks beer sleeps well. He who sleeps well cannot sin. He who does not sin goes to heaven. Amen.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Cigar City Brewing Oktoberfest
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Cigar City Brewing Oktoberfest -
German-Style Festbier.
From the Cigar City Brewing website:
“Orange in color with a rocky white head, this festive lager is our tribute to
Duke Wilhelm IV’s marriage hundreds of years ago, which inspired the production
of the first Oktoberfest. Our märzen is malty up front with notes of sweet
toasted bread and a light floral bitterness that balances out the malt
sweetness in the finish.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a light amber color with a nice
off-white head and great lacing.
Aroma: Bready,
caramel and biscuit malts with a touch of spice in the nose.
Taste: Sweet and
malty, grainy, biscuit, caramel and bready malts balanced with a touch of
floral hoppiness.
Overall: A solid Märzen,
Cigar City Brewing Oktoberfest is delicious.
This 5.5% ABV offering is well worth sourcing if you can find some.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Shipyard Brewing Company Bourbon Barrel Aged Smashed Pumpkin
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Shipyard Brewing Company Bourbon
Barrel Aged Smashed Pumpkin - Bottle No. 00449.
I can’t recall if I purchased this bottle at Santa Clara Liquors
or The Wine Club (here), but you
can’t go wrong with either place so visit them BOTH and tell them that Mark
Harvey from NorCal Beer Blog sent you!
Commercial description: “The beer has been aged for 100 days
in bourbon barrels prior to bottling.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
copper orange with a dense off-white head and slight lacing.
Aroma: Cinnamon,
nutmeg, clove, maple syrup, bourbon, pumpkin, vanilla, oak and sweet malts.
Taste: Cinnamon,
ginger, all spice, clove, vanilla, pumpkin, bourbon, vanilla and oak.
Overall: As a fan
of the non-barrel aged version I was fairly certain I’d enjoy the Shipyard
Brewing Company Bourbon Barrel Aged Smashed Pumpkin. This 12% ABV offering is a great Fall
seasonal that will carry you into the Holiday season very nicely.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Central City Red Betty Spiced Pumpkin Ale
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Today’s featured beer is Central City Red Betty Spiced
Pumpkin Ale.
I picked this bottle up at Cask & Flask in San Jose (here). They have a fantastic selection. Tell them that Mark Harvey from NorCal Beer
Blog sent you!
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
a dark orange with an off-white head and soapy lacing.
Aroma: Sweet
malts, pumpkin, brown sugar, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, clove, vanilla and
Taste: Flavor
follows the nose with pumpkin pie spices, sweet malts, pumpkin and brown sugar
with the flavor profile on the spicier end of the spectrum.
Overall: Smooth
and drinkable, Central City Red Betty Spiced Pumpkin Ale is good. This 5% ABV offering is worth a try for fans
of the style.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Terrapin Beer Company Pumpkinfest
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Terrapin Beer Company Pumpkinfest
- Malt Beverage Brewed With Pumpkins And Spices.
From the Terrapin Beer Company website:
“It’s not fall at Terrapin until we can fill our steins with Pumpkinfest. This
seasonal brew encompasses your Thanksgiving spread in one tasty sip. Perfectly
balanced pumpkin (real pumpkin!) and spices are added to, without overwhelming,
this German style brew. Expect a pumpkin pie nose followed by a strong malt
backbone, low hop bitterness and authentic fall taste, all wrapped in a light
bodied beer. Prost!”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
a dark copper color with a large off-white head and lots of lacing.
Aroma: Pumpkin
pie spices dominate with cinnamon, ginger, clove, allspice and nutmeg followed
by pumpkin, bready and caramel malts.
Taste: Cinnamon,
allspice, nutmeg, ginger and clove give this one an upfront spicy flavor. Pumpkin, toffee, caramel and bready malts
round this one out.
Overall: A nice
cross between a Marzen and Pumpkin Ale, Terrapin Beer Company Pumpkinfest is
very enjoyable. This 6.1% ABV offering
is refreshing and worth picking up if you’re in the mood for a slightly
different take on a Pumpkin beer.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Brouwerij Van Steenberge Vampire Pale Ale
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Brouwerij Van Steenberge Vampire
Pale Ale.
Commercial description: “With its 7.0% alcohol by volume,
Vampire Pale Ale is somewhat higher in alcohol content than regular ales, but
it’s not overpowering like the name might suggest. Instead its alluring color
and aroma envelop the ever-present hops and fruity esters that leads you
craving for more and more. Like all living ales, Vampire Pale Ale will continue
to improve with age.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
a cloudy golden color with a large white head and great lacing.
Aroma: Fruity,
banana, grainy malts and Belgian yeast.
Taste: Straw and
grainy malts, Belgian yeast, fruity, coriander, citrus and honey.
Overall: Light and
smooth, Brouwerij Van Steenberge Vampire Pale Ale was very delicious. This 7% ABV offering is refreshing and worth
picking up again.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Halloween Party Beverages of choice
Here goes:
Southern Tier Brewing Company Imperial Pumking Ale - review here
Almanac Beer Company Heirloom Pumpkin Barleywine- review here
Midnight Sun Brewing Company Trickster Belgian Style Ale - review here
Midnight Sun Brewing Company T.R.E.A.T. Imperial Chocolate Pumpkin Porter - review here
Elysian Brewing Co. Night Owl Pumpkin Ale - review here
Hermitage Brewing Company Fruit Crate Pumpkin Ale - review here
Uinta Brewing Co. Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale - review here
Buffalo Bill's Brewery Pumpkin Ale - review here
The Bruery / Elysian / Stone La Citrueille Céleste de Citracado - review here
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Punkin Ale - review here
Pumpkin Beer...taste tests (includes Shipyard Brewing Co. Pumpkinhead Ale and Wasatch Pumpkin
Seasonal Ale) - review here
Uinta Brewing Company Punk’n Harvest Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shipyard Brewing Company Smashed Pumpkin Ale - review here
Wychwood Brewery Hobgoblin Dark English Ale - review here
Yellowstone Valley Brewing Company Black Widow Oatmeal Stout - review here
Anchor Brewing Company BigLeaf Maple Autumn Red Ale - review here
Almanac Beer Company Dark Pumpkin Sour - review here
Avery Brewing Company The Beast Grand Cru Ale - review here
Anderson Valley Brewing Company Fall Hornin' Pumpkin Ale - review here
Brasserie Dieu du ciel! Péché Mortel Imperial Coffee Stout - review here
21st Amendment Brewery and Elysian Brewing Company He Said Baltic-Style Porter - review here
Left Coast Brewing Company Voo Doo American Stout - review here
Almanac Beer Company Dark Pumpkin Sour - review here
Cigar City Brewing Good Gourd Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Here's a list of all of the excellent beers I've reviewed that would be appropriate for a Fall/Halloween party.
Halloween is my favorite holiday!
I've got links below to my Halloween tunes as well so crack open a cold one and click "play" and enjoy this wonderful holiday!
Be safe - have fun - drink responsibly!
Halloween is my favorite holiday!
I've got links below to my Halloween tunes as well so crack open a cold one and click "play" and enjoy this wonderful holiday!
Be safe - have fun - drink responsibly!
Here goes:
Southern Tier Brewing Company Imperial Pumking Ale - review here
Almanac Beer Company Heirloom Pumpkin Barleywine- review here
Midnight Sun Brewing Company T.R.E.A.T. Imperial Chocolate Pumpkin Porter - review here
Elysian Brewing Co. Night Owl Pumpkin Ale - review here
Hermitage Brewing Company Fruit Crate Pumpkin Ale - review here
Uinta Brewing Co. Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale - review here
Buffalo Bill's Brewery Pumpkin Ale - review here
The Bruery / Elysian / Stone La Citrueille Céleste de Citracado - review here
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Punkin Ale - review here
Pumpkin Beer...taste tests (includes Shipyard Brewing Co. Pumpkinhead Ale and Wasatch Pumpkin
Seasonal Ale) - review here
Uinta Brewing Company Punk’n Harvest Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shipyard Brewing Company Smashed Pumpkin Ale - review here
New Belgium Brewing Pumpkick Ale - review here
Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale - review here
Heretic Brewing Co. Gramarye Rye Pale Ale - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Evil Twin Blood Red West Coast Amber - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Shallow Grave Porter - review here
Knee Deep Brewing Company Midnight Hoppyness Imperial Black IPA - review here
Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat - review here
Heretic Brewing Co. Gramarye Rye Pale Ale - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Evil Twin Blood Red West Coast Amber - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Evil Cousin Imperial IPA - review here
Knee Deep Brewing Company Midnight Hoppyness Imperial Black IPA - review here
Wychwood Brewery Hobgoblin Dark English Ale - review here
Rogue Ales Dead Guy Ale - review here
Newcastle Werewolf Blood Red Ale - review here
Fulton's Harvest Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur - review here
The Willow’s Market Dark Matter Imperial Stout - brewed by Strike Brewing Company- review here
Drake's Brewing Company Jolly Rodger American Barleywine-Style Ale - review here
The Willow’s Market Dark Matter Imperial Stout - brewed by Strike Brewing Company- review here
Unibroue Maudite Belgian Strong Dark Ale - review here
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Robert Johnson's Hellhound on my
Ale - review here
Clown Shoes Second Anniversary Ale Vampire Slayer Imperial
American Stout - review here
Jester King Craft Brewery Farmhouse Black Metal English
Imperial Stout - review here
Jester King Craft Brewery Wytchmaker Rye IPA - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Torment Dark Belgian-Style Ale - review here
Yellowstone Valley Brewing Company Black Widow Oatmeal Stout - review here
Anchor Brewing Company BigLeaf Maple Autumn Red Ale - review here
Almanac Beer Company Dark Pumpkin Sour - review here
Anderson Valley Brewing Company Pinchy Jeek Barl Bourbon Barrel Pumpkin Ale - review here
Grand Teton Brewing Company Howling Wolf Weisse Bier - review here
Grand Teton Brewing Company Howling Wolf Weisse Bier - review here
10 Barrel Brewing Company S1nist0r Black Ale - review here
AleSmith Brewing Company Evil Dead Red - review here
The Bruery Autumn Maple Belgian-Style Brown Ale - review here
Brasserie Dieu du ciel! Péché Mortel Imperial Coffee Stout - review here
21st Amendment Brewery and Elysian Brewing He Said Belgian-Style Tripel - review here
21st Amendment Brewery and Elysian Brewing Company He Said Baltic-Style Porter - review here
Left Coast Brewing Company Voo Doo American Stout - review here
Almanac Beer Company Dark Pumpkin Sour - review here
Avery Brewing Company Samael's Oak Aged Ale - review here
Alltech Lexington Brewing and Distilling Company Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale - review here
B. Nektar Meadery The Zombies Take Manhattan Imperial Zombie Killer - review here
Avery Brewing Company Mephistopheles Stout - review here
Weyerbacher Brewing Company Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
The Bruery Ignis Fatuus - review here
Alaskan Brewing Company Pumpkin Porter - review here
Saranac Pumpkin Ale (Matt Brewing Company) - review here
Coronado Brewing Company Punk'In Drublic Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Howe Sound Brewing Pumpkineater Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Avery Brewing Company Pump[KY]n - review here
Southern Tier Brewing Company Warlock - review here
Monday, October 27, 2014
Avery Brewing Company Rumpkin
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Avery Brewing Company Rumpkin -
Ale Brewed with Pumpkin and Spices - Aged in Rum Barrels - Batch No. 4 -
Bottled Sept. 22, 2014. I picked up this bottle at The Willow’s Market (here). If you haven’t yet been to Willow’s Market in Menlo Park, CA you really should. With well over 1,000 craft beers you’d be hard pressed to find a better selection.
From the Avery Brewing Company website: “We wondered what
would happen if a monstrous pumpkin ale, plump full of spicy gourdiness, were
aged in fine fresh rum barrels to add suggestions of delicate oak and candied
molasses. Rumpkin is what happened! This first member of the Annual Barrel-Aged
Series was brewed with roasted pumpkins from a local Boulder County farm, and
spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
orangish amber with a nice off-white head and light lacing.
Aroma: Cinnamon,
nutmeg, oak, molasses, caramel, ginger, pumpkin, rum and a touch of toffee.
Taste: Rum is way
up front, pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, caramel, toffee, oak, ginger and dark
Overall: Complex
and a bit hot, Avery Brewing Company Rumpkin is boozy and good. This 16.73% ABV beast packs a serious punch.
I plan to source more (maybe a bottle or two) to cellar. I’m sure with a little more time the heat
will subside. The flavors are incredible
and I completely enjoyed it.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Southern Tier Brewing Company Warlock
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Southern Tier Brewing Company
Warlock - Imperial Stout Brewed With Pumpkins and Natural Flavor.
From the Southern Tier Brewing Company website: “Warlock is
brewed to enchant your palate on its own and also to counterpoint our Imperial
Ale, Pumking. Make your own black magic by carefully pouring this Imperial
Stout into a goblet.
Dark and mysterious, the Blackwater Series is serious about
high gravity. Reanimate your senses with Warlock’s huge roasted malt character,
moderate carbonation and spicy pumpkin pie aroma.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
a dark reddish brown with a small tan head and very light lacing.
Aroma: Pumpkin,
cinnamon, chocolate, ginger, nutmeg, roasted malt and molasses.
Taste: Roasted
and chocolate malts, pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, molasses, nutmeg and light
espresso notes.
Overall: Lightly sweet
and extremely drinkable, Southern Tier Brewing Company Warlock is fantastic! This
8.6% ABV offering is well worth seeking out.
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Avery Brewing Company Pump[KY]n
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Avery Brewing Company Pump[KY]n -
Porter brewed with Pumpkin & Spices - Aged in Bourbon Barrels - Batch No. 1
- Bottled Sept. 12, 2014. I picked this bottle up at The Willow’s Market (here). If you
haven’t yet been to Willow’s Market in Menlo Park, CA you really should.
Commercial description: “Bourbon barrel-aged pumpkin porter,
spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves, and aged in fresh Bourbon
barrels for 6 months.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours
a very dark brown with a nice tan head and light lacing.
Aroma: Bourbon is
huge followed by pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, vanilla, oak,
roasted and caramel malts.
Taste: Boozy
bourbon, chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon and other pumpkin spices, brown sugar,
caramel, dark fruits, roasted malts and pumpkin.
Overall: Sweet
and delicious, Avery Brewing Company Pump[KY]n lives up to the hype. This 17.22% ABV offering is boozy and I plan
to try and source another bottle or two to cellar to see how it ages. It was a little hot in my opinion, but
Mark Harvey
If you haven’t already, please like the NorCal Beer Blog on
Facebook (here)
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