Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wild Heaven Craft Beers Eschaton Belgian Quadrupel

Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.

Tonight’s featured beer is Wild Heaven Craft Beers Eschaton Belgian Quadrupel. This was a special acquisition from a friend and I feel REALLY fortunate to have gotten a chance to try this beer.

From the Wild Heaven Craft website:” How about a big, malty beer that evokes a good red wine and with a drier finish than you’d expect at 10.5% ABV?
Eschaton is a one-of-a-kind oaked all-malt Quadrupel (or “Belgian Strong Dark” if you prefer) that abounds with dark fruit and pit fruit flavors as well as earthy spiciness. Vanilla oak and warm viniferous notes assert themselves as the beer warms to reveal additional layers of delicious complexity.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a dark reddish brown with a thin cream colored head and slight lacing.
Aroma: Dark Belgian candy sugar, oak, vanilla, dark fruits, red wine, Belgian yeast and cinnamon.
Taste: Dark fruits, vanilla, toffee, cinnamon, oak and Pinot Noir. The sweet malts, oak and red wine blend perfectly for one of the best beers I’ve ever tasted.
Overall: This is by far the best quad I’ve ever had. Complex, balanced and incredible Wild Heaven Craft Beers’ Eschaton Belgian Quadrupel hits a grand slam with this beer and I only wish it was available locally to stock my beer fridge with.  This doesn’t drink like a 10.5% ABV beer in my opinion. Dangerous, delicious and now very, very coveted. If you find yourself in Georgia do yourself a favor and find this beer.  You’ll be glad you did!


Mark Harvey

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