Greetings from the NorCal Beer Blog!
Halloween is my favorite time of year.
Best wishes to you and yours tonight. Be safe and lift a pint to the Great Pumpkin.
I know I will!
Mark Harvey
check out my "other" blog here
for Halloween fun

Beer is the world's most widely consumed and probably oldest of alcoholic beverages; it is the third most popular drink overall, after water and tea. At NorCal Beer Blog we'll discuss beer, brewing and beer culture in not only Northern California, but across the beer drinking community He who drinks beer sleeps well. He who sleeps well cannot sin. He who does not sin goes to heaven. Amen.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Dogfish Head - Victory - Stone Saison du Buff
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Dogfish Head - Victory - Stone
Saison du Buff. I’ve been enjoying the
collaboration beers that Stone Brewing Company has been churning out.
Read about the beer on the Stone Brewing Company blog (here).
Or just watch the video:
Aroma: Wow! Herbs
galore – sage, thyme and rosemary are huge in the nose. Citrus hop notes and a distinct Belgian yeast
scent also present.
Taste: Herbs and spices at the front followed by a nice malt
balance and citrus hop finish. The rosemary, sage and thyme flavors are big,
but not what I expected. I love it.
Overall: Impressive.
The Dogfish Head - Victory - Stone collaboration Saison du Buff is crisp
and clean and probably perfect with a meal (I didn’t drink this with a
meal). Although I completely enjoyed
this 7.7% ABV beverage I don’t know how often I’d put one in the beer
fridge. I think this might be something
I’d want to have on hand with a meal in mind, but I’m glad I tried it and would
recommend that you do as well. Who
knows, maybe you’ll want this to be YOUR go to beer.
Mark Harvey
Monday, October 29, 2012
Avery Brewing Company The Reverend Belgian Style Quadrupel Ale
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Avery Brewing Company The
Reverend Belgian Style Quadrupel Ale.
From the Avery Brewing Company website: “The Reverend, was created in tribute to the
life of Sales Mgr. Tom Boogaard’s grandfather, an ordained Episcopal Reverend.
Tom was inspired by the life of his grandfather and wanted to create a tribute
beer that contained his sterling traits. True to the spirit and character of
the departed Reverend, this beer is strong willed, assertive, and pure of
Our brewers included as many authentic imported Belgian
specialty malts as they could, making this the perfect beer for folks who
love malty beers and are ready to take the next step. A divinely complex
and beautifully layered beer with hints of dark cherries, currants, and
molasses, complimented by an underlying spiciness. Sinfully smooth considering
the high alcohol content.
The Reverend is the second installment of “The Holy Trinity
of Ales” series.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a reddish orange with an impressive tan
head and nice lacing.
Aroma: Belgian yeast, raisins, clove, Belgian malts, candy
sugar and fruit. Smells heavenly!
Taste: Sweet Belgian malty goodness, dark fruits, candy
sugar, caramel, Belgian yeast, spices and a slight citrus hop finish. Extremely delicious!
Overall: Astounding! Avery Brewing Company’s The Reverend
Belgian Style Quadrupel Ale is truly amazing, complex and tremendously
drinkable. At 10% ABV I probably won’t
be knocking back a lot of these, but I sure want to. I picked this one up through LetsPour (here).
Mark Harvey
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Lagunitas Brewing Company Imperial Stout
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Lagunitas Brewing Company
Imperial Stout.
From the Lagunitas Brewing Company website: “Dark and
thick like your favorite dessert with a Bonus. Highly roasted malted barley,
and plenty of it, gives the beer uncommon richness and smoky, roasty depth…
kinda like a hydraulic sandwich in a glass.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours pitch black with a thin tan light tan head
and great lacing.
Aroma: Roasted grains and loads of chocolate, coffee, brown
sugar and caramel.
Taste: Large chocolate malts take center stage with a nice
coffee finish. Nutty, malty, sweet,
caramelly and balanced with a touch of hops.
Overall: Super smooth and tasty, Lagunitas Brewing Company’s
Imperial Stout is amazingly good. Of
course I shouldn’t be surprised as I am a HUGE fan of Lagunitas. At 9.9% ABV this will always have a place in
my beer fridge. I love it!
Mark Harvey
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Pumpkin Beer Roundup
Hello beer lovers and welcome to the NorCal Beer Blog.
As we quickly approach Halloween I thought I should put a little list of beers I've reviewed together for your reading pleasure. Here are links to every pumpkin beer review I've done so far as well well anything else that might fit into a Halloween celebration.
Here goes:
Southern Tier Brewing Company Imperial Pumking Ale - review here
Elysian Brewing Co. Night Owl Pumpkin Ale - review here
Uinta Brewing Co. Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale - review here
Buffalo Bill's Brewery Pumpkin Ale - review here
The Bruery / Elysian / Stone La Citrueille Céleste de Citracado - review here
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Punkin Ale - review here
Pumpkin Beer...taste tests (includes Shipyard Brewing Co. Pumpkinhead Ale and Wasatch Pumpkin
Seasonal Ale) - review here
Uinta Brewing Company Punk’n Harvest Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shipyard Brewing Company Smashed Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat - review here
Heretic Brewing Co. Gramarye Rye Pale Ale - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Evil Twin Blood Red West Coast Amber - review here
Southern Tier Brewing Company Imperial Pumking Ale - review here
Elysian Brewing Co. Night Owl Pumpkin Ale - review here
Uinta Brewing Co. Oak Jacked Imperial Pumpkin Ale - review here
Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale - review here
Buffalo Bill's Brewery Pumpkin Ale - review here
The Bruery / Elysian / Stone La Citrueille Céleste de Citracado - review here
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Punkin Ale - review here
Pumpkin Beer...taste tests (includes Shipyard Brewing Co. Pumpkinhead Ale and Wasatch Pumpkin
Seasonal Ale) - review here
Uinta Brewing Company Punk’n Harvest Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shipyard Brewing Company Smashed Pumpkin Ale - review here
Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat - review here
Heretic Brewing Co. Gramarye Rye Pale Ale - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Evil Twin Blood Red West Coast Amber - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Evil Cousin Imperial IPA - review here
Heretic Brewing Company Shallow Grave Porter - review here
Wychwood Brewery Hobgoblin Dark English Ale - review here
Rogue Ales Dead Guy Ale - review here
Newcastle Werewolf Blood Red Ale - review here
Fulton's Harvest Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur - review here
Enjoy your Halloween festivities and be sure to check out my Halloween music...
Happy drinking and haunting!
Mark Harvey
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Calicraft Brewing Company Buzzerkeley Light and Zesty Sparkling Ale
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Calicraft Brewing Company
Buzzerkeley Light and Zesty Sparkling Ale. Calicraft Brewing Company had
their first pint night at Hop Yard in San Ramon on October 2nd and I had the
chance meet Blaine Landberg (great guy) and try his Oaktown
Deep & Soulful Brown Ale on tap as well his Panisse Pale Ale. Soon after
pint night I headed over to Mission Liquors in Fremont to pick this beer up.
From an interview with Jen Muehlbauer at Bay Area
Craft Beer (dot
com): “Buzzerkeley: Blurring the lines between beer and wine,
Buzzerkeley is beverage unto itself. Fermentation with Champagne yeast adds a
subtle tartness to the finish. Our combination of pure California starthistle
and a blend of Belgian and American malts support the spicy fruity esters of
the yeast. The honey sugars are
almost completely fermented, drying out the beer similar to a Belgian
golden strong or dry champagne. Its best drank cold and in a tight narrow
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a hazy golden color with a fluffy white
Aroma: The scents remind me of a Belgian ale – pale and
caramel malts, banana, honey, spices and a hint of champagne.
Taste: Banana, honey, biscuit malt, fruit, spice, a certain champagne
tartness and a light hop finish.
Overall: “Blurring the lines between beer and wine” is an
excellent description for Calicraft Brewing Company’s Buzzerkeley Light and
Zesty Sparkling Ale. I completely
enjoyed this light and refreshing offering. This makes the third beer I’ve
tried from Calicraft Brewing Company that I’ve enjoyed completely. At 7% ABV it is easy to want to drink more
than one 750ml bottle. As it turns out
while I was reviewing (and drinking this one) my Mother-in-law inquired about
it so I poured her a glass of it. She
loved it which was interesting since she rarely drinks and never drinks
beer. Well done, Blaine!
Special thanks to Brian Stechschulte (Founder & Editor
for allowing me the use of the beer description in the interview that Jen
Muehlbauer (a writer for Bay Area Craft Beer dot com) did with Blaine
Landberg (founder and head brewer of Calicraft Brewing Company) here.
Mark Harvey
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company Hoptimum Whole Cone Imperial IPA
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Sierra Nevada Brewing Company Hoptimum
Whole Cone Imperial IPA.
From the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company website: “A group of
hop-heads and publicans challenged our Beer Camp brewers to push the extremes
of whole-cone hop brewing. The result is this: a 100 IBU, whole-cone hurricane
of flavor. Simply put —Hoptimum: the biggest whole-cone IPA we have ever
produced. Aggressively hopped, dry-hopped, AND torpedoed with our exclusive new
hop varieties for ultra-intense flavors and aromas.
Resinous "new-school" and exclusive hop varieties
carry the bold and aromatic nose. The flavor follows the aroma with layers of
aggressive hoppiness, featuring notes of grapefruit rind, rose, lilac, cedar,
and tropical fruit—all culminating in a dry and lasting finish.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a dark orange with a large off-white head
and thick lacing.
Aroma: Huge citrus hop aroma with pine hops and sweet malts
Taste: Citrus hops attack the palate, big and bitter,
followed by pine hops and caramel malt sweetness.
Overall: Complex, balanced and just plain delicious, Sierra
Nevada Brewing Company’s Hoptimum Whole Cone Imperial IPA is well worth picking
up and trying. It is hard to believe
this beer is 10.4% ABV. The alcohol his
hidden masterfully.
Mark Harvey
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Eel River Brewing Company California Blonde Ale
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Eel River Brewing Company
California Blonde Ale.
From the Eel River Brewing Company website:
“The California Blonde Ale is a light, crisp blonde ale with a perfect balance
of malt and subtle bitterness. Whether you're new to the world of craft beer or
a seasoned craft beer veteran, this is just the beer for you!”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a bright golden color with a nice
off-white head.
Aroma: Crisp, clean with light sweet grains, sugar, honey, caramel
and citrus fruits.
Taste: Lightly toasted grain, faint citrus hops, a little
sweet honey and biscuit.
Overall: Light and refreshing, easy drinking Eel River
Brewing Company’s California Blonde Ale is enjoyable and at 5.8% ABV a beer
worth having a few of. Overall I liked
Mark Harvey
Friday, October 19, 2012
Knee Deep Brewing Co. Imperial Tanilla Porter
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Knee Deep Brewing Company Imperial
Tanilla Porter.
From the Knee Deep Brewing Company website:
“Knee Deep’s 2 year Anniversary brew. The Imperial Tanilla was brewed
with twice as many vanilla beans as its brother (Tanilla), which compliments
this wonderfully balanced, yet full bodied brew with chocolate, vanilla and
espresso flavors.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a dark brown, nearly black with a mocha
colored head and thick lacing.
Aroma: Roasted chocolate malt, loads of vanilla, caramel
malt and roasted coffee.
Taste: Big roasted chocolate malt and vanilla with caramel
malt, roasted coffee and toasted nuts at the finish. Very delicious!
Overall: Super tasty and well-constructed, Knee Deep Brewing
Company’s Imperial Tanilla Porter is balanced well with the nearly perfect mix
of vanilla, chocolate and coffee and has just the right boozy finish to make
this one a favorite of mine (already). At 10% ABV this is right in my
wheelhouse of beer to drink after dinner with dessert or for dessert.
Mark Harvey
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Heretic Brewing Co. Gramarye Rye Pale Ale
Hello beer lovers and welcome to another edition of the
NorCal Beer Blog's brew review.
Tonight’s featured beer is Heretic Brewing Company Gramarye
Rye Pale Ale. I’ve been clear about my
enjoyment of Heretic Brewing Company’s beers and when I find a new one in the stores
I look forward to trying it. This is a perfect beer review for the month of October. Magical beer!
From the Heretic Brewing Company website: “Gramarye
(GRAM-uh-ree) is the practice of learning magic. For thousands of years, people
have used a grimoire (book of magic) to cast spells and summon spirits. Of
course, magic fell out of favor over the centuries, the same as brewing with
rye. Interest in magic seems to be on the upswing these days and so is the
interest in brewing with rye. A coincidence? This is our take on session pale
ale made with a dose of rye malt to give it that luscious feel and snappy
finish. We think it is magical.”
Let’s get started!
Appearance: Pours a clear amber/orange with a big white head
and nice lacing.
Aroma: Citrus hops, rye, sweet caramel and toasted malts.
Taste: The flavor is like the nose with citrus hops, rye
spice, sweet caramel and toasted malts.
Slight pine hop bitterness in the finish.
Overall: Balanced very well and extremely drinkable, Heretic
Brewing Company’s Gramarye Rye Pale Ale is smooth and at 4.4% ABV quite
sessionable. This beer is exceptional!
Mark Harvey
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